SARIKEI: Sarawak Federation of Women’s Institutes (PPWS), Sarikei’s Chinese New Year gathering on Sunday was a reflection of Sarawakian unity and harmony.
Berita Akhbar
MENYEMAI aktiviti kesukanan antara objektif utama penganjuran pertandingan petanque tertutup anjuran Persekutuan Perkumpulan Wanita Sarawak (PPWS) Cawangan Kampung Pabahanan di Limbang, baru-baru ini.
KUCHING: An international forum on women has appealed to Malaysian women to participate in an online survey at pertaining to the living standard of women in rural area.
Standing front row –Ursula, Rosey, Shanks and Brennan having a photo call with the villagers and other visitors.
MIRI: Women in Malaysia including members of the Associated Country Women of the World (ACWW) in Sarawak have not responded positively towards the global survey on the living condition of rural women.